After all your spring cleaning, you may be left with piles of items still waiting to be sorted or eliminated. Get rid of unnecessary items and make some cash along the way by hosting a garage sale. Summer weekends are prime time to hold a successful garage sale by following these tips.
1. Gather and Group Items You Plan to Sell
Once the decision has been made to get rid of an item, create a large sorting space to clean and organize articles for sale. You can then begin to group similar items such as tools, clothes, toys, etc. and store them together before the sale for easy setup come garage sale day.
2. Pricing
You don't want to push buyers away with high or unfair prices. Do your research ahead of time by checking out going rates on Craigslist or visiting local garage sales. Garage sales are all about a bargain so comparable prices will encourage sales.
3. Set One Date
No need to waste time on a two-day sale. All big bargain hunters know that the best items sell the first day, so focus on one big sale. Consider choosing a weekend right after pay day. Saturdays garner the most shoppers, but avoid holiday weekends as people are on vacations.
4. Get the Word Out
Advertise your sale online and add it to a garage sale app for tech-savvy customers. Consider a newspaper ad for big ticket items and hang signs in every main sightline of traffic. The more people coming to your sale, the more successful your sale will be.
5. Sale Day
Early birds are looking for the worm so start early, no later than 8 a.m. (but be sure to check HOA rules and codes to make sure you're good). Make sure you have plenty of cash and coins to make change and hang a "no public restrooms" sign. Keep your house safe from prying eyes by drawing shades and closing doors.
6. Display
Hang clothes and display other items at eye level using tables and place children's toys in boxes or tarps on the ground. Have electronic items plugged in to demonstrate they still work. You can even get the kids involved selling glasses of lemonade or homemade cookies to entice guests as they shop. Be sure to label items that are not for sale.
7. Closing Time
Make sure to designate and list an end time to your sale to prevent late visitors and set your schedule for the day. You can also advertise a half-price sale after a certain time or everything in one bag for $5 offer; buyers love the bargain and you get your stuff sold.
8. Donate Leftovers
Don't be tempted to keep what is left at the end of the sale. Have a plan in place for a charity pick-up or delivering them as a donation. Be sure to remove all your advertising signs throughout the neighborhood as soon as your sale is complete. Don't let your sale be a dud. Find your items a new home for a few extra dollars with these garage sale tips. For all the items you decided to keep in the gathering process, visit Flow Wall for organization and storage solutions for your garage.